
Truth & Beauty

The Latin phrase coram Deo is one of those lofty-sounding things that you might hear a theologian say, but it simply means “before the face of God” or “in the presence of God.”

And really, that’s the whole point of the Christian life, right?

To learn to live in the presence of God, by His Spirit, in a way that brings Him glory every single day.

I believe that nothing is off-limits when we live coram Deo…all of our everyday moments, the profound and the mundane alike are subject to His truth and beauty. And what a wonderful way to go through this life, don’t you think?

I guess you could say that coram Deo is a different kind of lifestyle blog.

This blog has been many things over the years, but now it serves as a meeting place for those who are curious about living coram Deo. My hope is that you will find something useful or inspiring to propel you deeper into the presence of God in your everyday life.

If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and subscribe to my Substack here – I send out a monthly dose of encouragement for living coram Deo (and other random goodies).

Don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM on the socials and let me know what you think! Thank you for being here, it means everything to me. xo

My writing in other places:

“Confessions from a Working Mom” via Women & Work

“What is Calling?” via Women & Work

“Hungry: Jesus as the Bread of Life in John 6” via Deeply Rooted

“Grieving the Flood” via The Mudroom Blog

“Feed My Sheep” via Be Still Magazine, Issue #20