A New Chapter

For all the years I have been a Christian, and earnestly trying to follow Christ, the one thing I cannot (honestly) say is that it is boring. I guess it’s similar to raising kids in that way—as soon as you get used to the rhythms and practices of one season, everything completely changes and youContinue reading “A New Chapter”

Three Things I Recommend: for Homeschooling Littles

Hi friends! After some discussion on my favorite social media platform about what was working for our new homeschool journey, I thought I’d share a few things (literally items) that we’ve found useful. We’re still so new to this life that I’ll defer the heavy duty advice to the seasoned mamas out there 😉

Ears to Hear, Hearts that Obey (a prayer)

Let me set the scene for you. It’s the afternoon of the first day of our hashtag homeschool journey for this academic year. I’m enjoying a peaceful and tidy home with a cup of fresh coffee in hand, a slice of orange pound cake next to me, and my laptop fired up and ready toContinue reading “Ears to Hear, Hearts that Obey (a prayer)”

Hello, We Are New at Homeschooling!

I wanted to give an update and share about how we are preparing for our first “real” year of homeschooling. If you’re curious about why we decided to try homeschooling our children (Judah, age 6 and Cedar, age 4) then start reading here! I’m saying it that way (“real”) only because we are following aContinue reading “Hello, We Are New at Homeschooling!”

The Real Reason We Are Homeschooling

After giving a little life update on Instagram recently and sharing that our family has decided to homeschool, I had a handful of friends message me and ask that I share more about what led to this decision. There are so many elements that have contributed to our arrival at this decision that it’s kindContinue reading “The Real Reason We Are Homeschooling”