OP-ED: Biden’s DOJ Bias Against Pro-Lifers: Where is the Outrage from the American Church?

On Tuesday, in my home city of Nashville, six pro-life activists were convicted of both violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and felony conspiracy against the right to obtain “reproductive health services.” The group was found guilty of obstructing the employee and patient entrances of Carafem Health Center for almost threeContinue reading “OP-ED: Biden’s DOJ Bias Against Pro-Lifers: Where is the Outrage from the American Church?”

Getting My ‘Colors Done’ with Created Colorful

When I was a girl in the late eighties, I would pour over a book of my mother’s called Color Me Beautiful. Sitting on her bedroom’s carpeted floor, I imagined myself with softly done makeup and glossy, windblown hair like the models in the photos. Tiny squares of various shades of pink, blue, yellow, and green mesmerizedContinue reading “Getting My ‘Colors Done’ with Created Colorful”

Thanks for the Sign

On learning to learn, the changing of seasons, and Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and South’ In our (long)neck of the woods, the leaves are falling. This morning, while walking the dogs by the creek, the air was cool and wet, and I saw the first orb weaver spider of the season; they like to wait toContinue reading “Thanks for the Sign”

Advocacy, Amos, and the Quiet Life

I’ll spare you the “2020 amiright?” jokes because we all know this has already been one strange and difficult year so far. As I recently mentioned on the blog (after a month-long writing sabbatical), I’ve personally been in a season of quiet. This is not an unusual pattern for me. When a Super Busy Life Season™ is happeningContinue reading “Advocacy, Amos, and the Quiet Life”

three things: for thinking women

Here’s the thing about blog writing. It gets under your skin a bit and seeps into the corners of your life. You may be living a perfectly normal day: refilling another cup of coffee, responding to an email, taking a walk to the mailbox, choosing the right pair of shoes for the busy day ahead…andContinue reading “three things: for thinking women”

philosophy 101: post-modernism, pragmatism, and 1 peter

This is a continuation of a series on Christian Apologetics. For more posts like this, click here, here, and here. “And who will harm you if you are deeply committed to what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear or be disturbed, butContinue reading “philosophy 101: post-modernism, pragmatism, and 1 peter”

three things: podcast episodes on being a woman

Yesterday, I found myself on my Mom’s patio, chatting with three of my sisters (missing one! xo) while all of our children played in the back yard. One of my sisters held her wee little newborn, another held her chunky seven month old, and the third held her 38 week belly. Standing in the afternoonContinue reading “three things: podcast episodes on being a woman”

the exchange: denying ourselves for something greater

No matter how hard I tried no matter how many to-do lists I made no matter how many new dresses I bought no matter how many new houses I moved into or new jobs I took or new creative projects I launched nothing would give me freedom. Nothing would relieve the dark blanket of depressionContinue reading “the exchange: denying ourselves for something greater”

thoughts on the UMC decision (and a few questions for the Love Warriors)

This week the United Methodist Church convened a special session of their general conference for the following purpose: “to act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward, authorized to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and to explore options to strengthen church unity.” In other words, to decide how the denominationContinue reading “thoughts on the UMC decision (and a few questions for the Love Warriors)”