Fighting the Fear of Failure in the Creative Process (and Why It ≠ Business)

Business is a metric-driven game, therefore, our emotional sense of success or failure can be directly informed by data. Did you see a return on your investment? Success! Did your new hire close his first deal in Q1? Success! Did the latest campaign generate more traffic? No, engagement is down by X% ( = Failure).Continue reading “Fighting the Fear of Failure in the Creative Process (and Why It ≠ Business)”

Three Things: Winter is Coming Edition (plus a bonus goodie!)

Temps are dropping, skies are grey, and gusts of wind whip the last of the golden leaves to blanket the ground. We are saying goodbye to glorious fall and bracing ourselves for a long winter–a winter spent (mostly) at home, no doubt, and in need of accoutrements. In the spirit of making-the-most out of ourContinue reading “Three Things: Winter is Coming Edition (plus a bonus goodie!)”

Three Things: Summer Quarantine Edition

The Great Quarantine of 2020 didn’t actually change much about our daily life, but one thing that did change was my skincare/makeup and wardrobe habits. Mascara became completely unnecessary and kind of annoying, filling in my brows became the new mascara, and exploring the world of face masks became my new frontier. Getting dressed wasContinue reading “Three Things: Summer Quarantine Edition”

Words on the Internet: My Fourth Blogiversary

As crazy as this sounds, I’ve been blogging for FOUR YEARS. Whatttt?!! This little corner of the internet has surprised me in many ways: it has brought connections and friendships that I’d never otherwise have it has been instrumental in helping me to absorb what I’m learning in school (and synthesize it through writing) itContinue reading “Words on the Internet: My Fourth Blogiversary”


Hi friends! I hope you are enjoyng some spots of goodness and beauty in this weird time we all find ourselves living in. One spot for me has been the face-to-face connection (via technology) that has seen a spike due to everyone being quarantined. For example, I attended a theology class yesterday for my undergradContinue reading “/new”

Five New Artists You Need to be Following

If you are using Instagram correctly, then you’re discovering some great new artists (like I am!) The medium is perfect–small squares of colorful beauty with short captions (and of course, links to the artist’s website of work), all personally aggregated to your interest by IG’s powerful algorithm. It’s like a catalog of the world’s artContinue reading “Five New Artists You Need to be Following”

Three Things: to live that cozy life

So glad you decided to swing by! Here’s a *virtual* cup of something warm and delicious. Most of my current days are spent working on final papers for the semester (reading and writing and editing some more) while also thinking about what dessert I’m going to make for Thanksgiving. Last year I did the classicContinue reading “Three Things: to live that cozy life”