Where Does My Help Come From?

The internet, and social media especially, likes to talk a lot about mindset -about having “intentionality” with our thoughts. I only mock a little. I get the idea, yes we should be aware of our thought patterns and try to identify and correct any woe-is-me mindset. And scripture certainly instructs us to take every thoughtContinue reading “Where Does My Help Come From?”

Oh, Piercing Word: The Hurt of the Lord

It was a simple mistake. A grammatical error, to be exact. But it was on the internet, the modern-day public square, and (crucial to note) the error changed the meaning of the statement. When I received a mocking response (yes, from a stranger!) I was surprised at how it felt—like a hot iron, pulled fromContinue reading “Oh, Piercing Word: The Hurt of the Lord”

Advocacy, Amos, and the Quiet Life

I’ll spare you the “2020 amiright?” jokes because we all know this has already been one strange and difficult year so far. As I recently mentioned on the blog (after a month-long writing sabbatical), I’ve personally been in a season of quiet. This is not an unusual pattern for me. When a Super Busy Life Season™ is happeningContinue reading “Advocacy, Amos, and the Quiet Life”

The Counter-Culture Practice of Waiting on God

Oh dear reader, my wish is that you and I could sit down together over a slow and nourishing meal and unpack our hearts and minds as we savor each bite. I would ask you about the state of your soul in this historically tenuous moment…are you carrying the weight of social unrest? Are youContinue reading “The Counter-Culture Practice of Waiting on God”

Why We Worship During Times of Crisis

While reading Chamber’s “My Utmost for His Highest” over coffee this morning, the author’s words seemed to jump off the page. Remember, this book was first published in 1935, just a handful of years before WW2 broke out.


Hi friends! I hope you are enjoyng some spots of goodness and beauty in this weird time we all find ourselves living in. One spot for me has been the face-to-face connection (via technology) that has seen a spike due to everyone being quarantined. For example, I attended a theology class yesterday for my undergradContinue reading “/new”

Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1

When I decided to go back to school in my 30’s, I was (blissfully) unaware of how hard it would be…how the crunch of learning how to learn again would feel a lot like getting back on the treadmill after being out of shape for years. But just like we get pumped at the start ofContinue reading “Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1”

When God is Silent

Most days, I take my dog for a walk after lunch. We head down to the creek and poke around for a minute, letting our skin soak up the sunshine, our lungs breathe in the fresh air, and we always check to see if the blue heron might be visiting that day. We may goContinue reading “When God is Silent”

Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4

This is a series on exploring the book of John for rookies and experts alike! Start here and read more here and here if you want to follow along. The heart of Jesus’ message moves to the forefront of the narrative in John 6, as we read Jesus’ discourse with the same crowd that hadContinue reading “Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4”