Thanks for the Sign

On learning to learn, the changing of seasons, and Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and South’ In our (long)neck of the woods, the leaves are falling. This morning, while walking the dogs by the creek, the air was cool and wet, and I saw the first orb weaver spider of the season; they like to wait toContinue reading “Thanks for the Sign”

Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1

When I decided to go back to school in my 30’s, I was (blissfully) unaware of how hard it would be…how the crunch of learning how to learn again would feel a lot like getting back on the treadmill after being out of shape for years. But just like we get pumped at the start ofContinue reading “Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1”

When God is Silent

Most days, I take my dog for a walk after lunch. We head down to the creek and poke around for a minute, letting our skin soak up the sunshine, our lungs breathe in the fresh air, and we always check to see if the blue heron might be visiting that day. We may goContinue reading “When God is Silent”

Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4

This is a series on exploring the book of John for rookies and experts alike! Start here and read more here and here if you want to follow along. The heart of Jesus’ message moves to the forefront of the narrative in John 6, as we read Jesus’ discourse with the same crowd that hadContinue reading “Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4”

everyday theology: trust in Galatians 3

‘everyday theology’ posts are bite-sized ideas to chew on from scripture, from other works of theology, and from life. feel free to share wherever you hang out on the internet! Paul’s contrast of the Spirit and flesh in Galatians is strong (and not without some dramatic language!) He uses the Greek word “pistis” (meaning: trust)Continue reading “everyday theology: trust in Galatians 3”

what does your opinion about ketchup mean? (more reflections on human consciousness)

This is a continuation of a series on Christian Apologetics. For more posts like this, click here and here. My main takeaway from this week’s study is this: the very fact that we have an inclination to do apologetics, to know what we believe and want to defend it, is evidence that we are aContinue reading “what does your opinion about ketchup mean? (more reflections on human consciousness)”

“What is Truth?” (when Christian Apologetics get personal)

Because we live in such relative times where the very idea of “truth” is challenged on a daily basis, I feel like it might be fitting here on the blog to delve into the topic of defense of the Christian faith. I’m currently taking an apologetics class, and therefore reading a whole boat load ofContinue reading ““What is Truth?” (when Christian Apologetics get personal)”

countering “the patriarchy” (we need good men)

As Alabama and Ohio are passing legislation effectively banning abortions in their respective states this week, the online “conversation” (if you can even call it that) on the topic has reached a fever pitch. This is a cause that I care deeply about and have invested my own time, money, energy, and tears over, soContinue reading “countering “the patriarchy” (we need good men)”

theology is for everyone

When you hear the word T H E O L O G Y …what comes to mind? Expensive, ivy-covered universities? Grandfatherly men in tweed? Or is it more along the lines of a dusty handbook of denominational guidelines? Maybe it’s something that your pastor should be concerned about, but all of us (the normal onesContinue reading “theology is for everyone”