A New Chapter

For all the years I have been a Christian, and earnestly trying to follow Christ, the one thing I cannot (honestly) say is that it is boring. I guess it’s similar to raising kids in that way—as soon as you get used to the rhythms and practices of one season, everything completely changes and youContinue reading “A New Chapter”

Slaying Ice Giants (and other Christian pursuits)

I’m riding in the back of an Uber through lower Manhattan. The Sunday morning sun is blazing already and its light touches everything – tops of cars zipping by, people moving along the grid as one unit, buildings reaching for the sky like fingers. Every surface shimmers white hot.  While the world warms, the questionsContinue reading “Slaying Ice Giants (and other Christian pursuits)”

Front Porch Prayers (for a Slow Summer Afternoon)

It’s mid-week, late afternoon, sitting-in-the-porch-rocker time and I’m watching birds dive-bomb for treasures in the yard. My mason jar of iced coffee went down too fast and I want another one, mostly because it was delicious, but also because it is a humid 87 degrees out (and the coffee brings sweet relief).

Why We Worship During Times of Crisis

While reading Chamber’s “My Utmost for His Highest” over coffee this morning, the author’s words seemed to jump off the page. Remember, this book was first published in 1935, just a handful of years before WW2 broke out.

Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1

When I decided to go back to school in my 30’s, I was (blissfully) unaware of how hard it would be…how the crunch of learning how to learn again would feel a lot like getting back on the treadmill after being out of shape for years. But just like we get pumped at the start ofContinue reading “Called to Belong: A Look at Romans 1”

When God is Silent

Most days, I take my dog for a walk after lunch. We head down to the creek and poke around for a minute, letting our skin soak up the sunshine, our lungs breathe in the fresh air, and we always check to see if the blue heron might be visiting that day. We may goContinue reading “When God is Silent”

Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4

This is a series on exploring the book of John for rookies and experts alike! Start here and read more here and here if you want to follow along. The heart of Jesus’ message moves to the forefront of the narrative in John 6, as we read Jesus’ discourse with the same crowd that hadContinue reading “Exploring the Gospel of John: Part 4”

everyday theology: trust in Galatians 3

‘everyday theology’ posts are bite-sized ideas to chew on from scripture, from other works of theology, and from life. feel free to share wherever you hang out on the internet! Paul’s contrast of the Spirit and flesh in Galatians is strong (and not without some dramatic language!) He uses the Greek word “pistis” (meaning: trust)Continue reading “everyday theology: trust in Galatians 3”