What is Christian Vocation?

When my son was about 3 years old, he had a game he liked to play, one he called “worker.” Without warning, he would switch into an imaginary mode and start addressing me as “worker,” cheerfully asking questions like, “Hello worker! What are you working on today?” There was usually some kind of costume involvedContinue reading “What is Christian Vocation?”

6 Books About Work and Vocation

I read a lot of books. To my husband’s credit, he endures the endless stacks of books sitting around our house; books that I’m currently reading, have aspirations to read or have already read and can’t part ways with just yet. I can *almost* relate to the late fashion photographer, Peter Lindbergh, when he saidContinue reading “6 Books About Work and Vocation”

Starting a new job? You need my “secret mentor” strategy.

When I was in my mid 20’s, I had the opportunity to join a new and exciting company in the luxury cosmetics field and started the job with stars in my eyes. I was already working as a freelance makeup artist around Nashville by offering my services to photographer, videographer, and event planning friends inContinue reading “Starting a new job? You need my “secret mentor” strategy.”

Is the ‘working mom’ ideal dead? (A mini-rant)

I have four sisters and one sister-in-law. We are all mothers and we all work (this statement is redundant, because of course all mothers work, but stay with me because I’m going somewhere with this…)