What is Christian Vocation?

When my son was about 3 years old, he had a game he liked to play, one he called “worker.” Without warning, he would switch into an imaginary mode and start addressing me as “worker,” cheerfully asking questions like, “Hello worker! What are you working on today?” There was usually some kind of costume involvedContinue reading “What is Christian Vocation?”

An update: thoughts on writing, leisure, and acknowledging my finite human nature

I CANNOT BELIEVE IT IS ALMOST JULY. (Not to be dramatic or anything…) I don’t know about you, but the first half of this year flew by in a flurry of work and family life. Almost without notice, months had passed before I realized that my personal writing was taking a serious back seat toContinue reading “An update: thoughts on writing, leisure, and acknowledging my finite human nature”

A Writer’s Campaign: Laundry, Essays, and Pressing On Toward the Goal

I look at the clock again. How is it that time already? Where have the last 45 minutes gone? I’m scrambling to finish the task I am doing, one of about a thousand that requires me to do it, my hands and my feet, and not anyone else. My pace quickens as I throw inContinue reading “A Writer’s Campaign: Laundry, Essays, and Pressing On Toward the Goal”

Why We Wrestle Before We Write

Browse the blogosphere today and you’ll find a copious amount of “How To” and “Top 10” and “Year in Review” type posts. That’s well and good and I might even read a few of them…but this isn’t one of those posts.

Too Late?

This illustration by Michelle Rial made me smile because, as I’ve hinted at recently, I deal with this fear a lot. I’m staring down my email inbox on a Monday morning, organizing my class workload for the week, and wondering if it’s too early to make myself a second espresso (it’s 9:30am, I think not.)Continue reading “Too Late?”