What is Christian Vocation?

When my son was about 3 years old, he had a game he liked to play, one he called “worker.” Without warning, he would switch into an imaginary mode and start addressing me as “worker,” cheerfully asking questions like, “Hello worker! What are you working on today?” There was usually some kind of costume involvedContinue reading “What is Christian Vocation?”

Words on the Internet: My Fourth Blogiversary

As crazy as this sounds, I’ve been blogging for FOUR YEARS. Whatttt?!! This little corner of the internet has surprised me in many ways: it has brought connections and friendships that I’d never otherwise have it has been instrumental in helping me to absorb what I’m learning in school (and synthesize it through writing) itContinue reading “Words on the Internet: My Fourth Blogiversary”

12 Tried & True Productivity Hacks (for busy families)

I recently ranted about the distinct lack of useful productivity hacks in an article that teased that offering in the title, and I didn’t want to leave y’all hanging like I had been–so I thought I would offer some of my own strategies for keeping the domestic life on track.

SHARED: “No Happy Harmony” by Elizabeth C. Corey

“Both the ethical imperatives I’ve described—“must work” and “must stay at home”—reflect noble desires, the one for talents fully used and the other for the vocation of motherhood. But I worry that both are too often promoted ideologically, prescribed as answers to the anxieties young women naturally feel about what they should do. This problemContinue reading “SHARED: “No Happy Harmony” by Elizabeth C. Corey”

Is the ‘working mom’ ideal dead? (A mini-rant)

I have four sisters and one sister-in-law. We are all mothers and we all work (this statement is redundant, because of course all mothers work, but stay with me because I’m going somewhere with this…)